Investing With You and For You. Always.
When it comes to developing a sound investment process for you, we consider a wide range of investment disciplines. We believe in a holistic and personalized approach to investing that’s all about you.
We’re here—as your advocate, your trusted resource, and your partner. We specialize in the wealth management needs of families as well as institutions, and we coordinate our services with the other members of your team including CPAs and attorneys. From helping you invest and protect your assets, to developing strategies for wealth transfer and charitable giving, to managing your institution’s financial needs, we’re here to serve you.
We earn the trust of our clients by finding solutions that work for personal financial circumstances as well as multifaceted business needs. Through one-on-one meetings, we develop a keen understanding of your needs and tailor a plan specifically for you.
Core Investment Strategy: Strategic & Tactical
Smart investing means looking at the big picture. Because we are focused on our clients and their outcomes, regardless of market conditions, we prepare for a variety of market environments. A holistic view of the investment process brings the right balance for various market environments and helps position our clients for long-term success.
Some of our strategies employ a defensive equity strategy using an integrated approach that incorporates both strategic and tactical strategies. Our quantitative models identify the risk/reward relationship of the market and reduce equity exposure when the relationship is unfavorable, helping you avoid participation in more severe market declines.
We leverage a wide array of investment solutions including ETFs and SMA’s to address risk management, and tax-advantaged benefits, all customized to your unique financial circumstances.
Our Process
Understand & Evaluate
We take time to get to know who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish, then create a customized plan for your unique financial situation.
Define Your Solution
Personalized solutions are created based on our proven strategies and risk-return potential—from conservative, to balanced and moderate growth, to aggressive growth.
Once the appropriate solutions are determined for you or your business, our concierge services guide you through each step of the implementation process.
Our monitoring process does not just reaffirm your original plan. It continually measures your results and adjusts investments to help ensure you stay on track.